Location Any Arab World Asia Profession Any Administration Agriculture Business Community Development Education Engineering Hospitality Information Technology Media Medical / Health Other Skilled Trades Theology / Church Duration Any 1-11 months 12-23 months 2+ years Consultant Elective Job ID텍스트 Page 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9제목LocationProfessionDuration Teacher EnglishAsiaEducation12-23 months, 2+ years IT Coordinator and TeacherAsiaEducation12-23 months, 2+ years Teacher ScienceAsiaEducation12-23 months, 2+ years Operations ManagerAsiaAdministration2+ years Occupational Therapist moreAsiaMedical / Health1-11 months, 12-23 months, 2+ years, Elective Data and IT ManagementAsiaInformation Technology2+ years Assistant ManagerAsiaAdministration2+ years Warehouse Assistant ManagerAsiaSkilled Trades2+ years 1 Year Immersion ProgramAsiaMedia12-23 months TeachersAsiaEducation1-11 months, 12-23 months, 2+ years