Profession | Engineering |
날짜 | 2016년 5월 20일 |
Some people have asked me.
Dear Sir they will say.
What fears do you have?
What scares you today?
When you think about moving.
To Nepal of all places.
It’s crazy. It’s silly.
To move. On what basis?
The earth shakes with earthquakes.
There’s landslides on mountainsides.
There’s monsoons from early June
And bumpy, treacherous car rides.
You’ll struggle to breathe
There’s hardly no air
On top of those mountains
And there’s Yetis. BEWARE!!
The food is unsafe.
The water’s not clean.
With lotsa trips to the loo
If you know what I mean.
The government is shaky.
There’s political unrest.
Public transport is dodgy
And their planes aren’t the best.
There are power cuts aplenty.
Crazy cables all around
And hazards are everywhere.
In the air and on the ground.
So tell me again.
Now why would you go?
After all I have told you
With all you now know?
I paused and I waited.
They had a good case.
There still is one answer
So I said it with grace.
“Make disciples of nations”
Is what God commands.
Obedience to Him
Is His only demand.
And Nepal is a country
With needs that are clear
And we’re willing to help
In spite of our fear.
So grant us the wisdom
Dear God we do pray.
To walk as you tell us
Each and every new day.
By Huy